
Source code of popular open-source projects explained with Codecrumbs

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Each codebase has interesting tips, approaches, patterns and anti-patterns. This is the library of such case-studies based on examples from popular open-source projects.

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Recently I came across this "stats picture" in someone's Readme profile on Github, displaying profile information, and it caught my attention. It is dynamic, meaning, every time you see this image it is going to be up to date with the current stats. But, how does it render dynamic information inside of the static markdown page?
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Building huge applications means putting together hundreds of different modules, packing, bundling and shipping that towards user. Control of bundle size becomes critical at this point, one module, one bad apple, can just ruin everything. Let's talk about that in this post.
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Webpack architecture is heavily based on events (each plugin is basically a set of event listeners called during compilation). Under the hood, webpack uses a library called `tapable` to encapsulate "publish-subscribe" implementation.
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