Under the hood of github-readme-stats project

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Recently I came across this "stats picture" in someone's Readme profile on Github, displaying profile information, and it caught my attention. Yes, I am talking about this github-readme-stats widget, here is an example for my profile.

Example of the stats picture for my profileExample of the stats picture for my profile

What is interesting, it is dynamic, meaning, every time you see this image it is going to be up to date with the current stats. But, how does it render dynamic information inside of the static markdown page?

Looks cool though, so I started digging - inspected source and quickly found out there is app running at github-readme-stats.vercel.app so can be used by anyone, and it is an open source project github-readme-stats so we can look at the implementation as well.

Awesome, let's look under the hood then.

How it works

Well, all you need to do is simply use the img with API endpoint, specifying Github username.

There is plenty of other parameters to customise the widget, like what information to display, what colour theme to use, etc.

So, let's have a look what exactly this end-point returns.
It returns SVG!It returns SVG!
It returns SVG! Yes, you can use SVG as a source for an image HTML element. SVG loses its interactivity because of that, but it's not critical in this use-case. And if you think about it, it kind of make sense, I mean, it's way easier obviously to manipulate with vector graphics and generate SVG markup than work with raster binary data (as we know it for PNG/JPEG/etc. images formats).

Under the hood

Where do we start? It is JavaScript project, so looking inside package.json is always good starting point (as a standard).

2 "name": "github-readme-stats",
3 "version": "1.0.0",
4 "description": "Dynamically generate stats for your github readmes",
5 "main": "index.js",
6 "scripts": {
7 "test": "jest --coverage",
8 "test:watch": "jest --watch",
9 "theme-readme-gen": "node scripts/generate-theme-doc",
Entry point for the package is index.js but it doesn't exist in the project.
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by Bohdan Liashenko
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We can see main points 1 to index.js but there is not such file. What we do have though are some other hints...

We knew this already (by vercel.app piece in the url) but these are hints that this package is not "standard".
All code lives here?
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Vercel hints

Interesting... Well, we saw this already (by vercel.app piece in the url) but these 2 are hints that this package is not "standard", it is "Powered by Vercel" with Serverless Functions - we can tell that by presence of /api directory (standard directory used by Vercel) for functions.

That means that api/index.js is in fact the entry point of the application and the place where we should start reading code.

11const blacklist = require("../src/common/blacklist");
12const { isLocaleAvailable } = require("../src/translations");
14module.exports = async (req, res) => {
15 const {
16 username,
17 hide,
18 hide_title,
36 } = req.query;
37 let stats;
39 res.setHeader("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml");
49 try {
50 stats = await fetchStats(
51 username,
52 parseBoolean(count_private),
53 parseBoolean(include_all_commits),
54 );
64 return res.send(
65 renderStatsCard(stats, {
66 hide: parseArray(hide),
67 show_icons: parseBoolean(show_icons),
68 hide_title: parseBoolean(hide_title),
69 hide_border: parseBoolean(hide_border),
70 hide_rank: parseBoolean(hide_rank),
71 include_all_commits: parseBoolean(include_all_commits),
84 }
87async function fetchStats(
88 username,
89 count_private = false,
90 include_all_commits = false,
91) {
92 if (!username) throw Error("Invalid username");
94 const stats = {
95 name: "",
96 totalPRs: 0,
97 totalCommits: 0,
98 totalIssues: 0,
99 totalStars: 0,
100 contributedTo: 0,
101 rank: { level: "C", score: 0 },
102 };
104 let res = await retryer(fetcher, { login: username });
114 const user = res.data.data.user;
137 stats.totalStars = user.repositories.nodes.reduce((prev, curr) => {
138 return prev + curr.stargazers.totalCount;
139 }, 0);
151 return stats;
154module.exports = fetchStats;
45 `;
48const renderStatsCard = (stats = {}, options = { hide: [] }) => {
49 const {
50 name,
51 totalStars,
52 totalCommits,
53 totalIssues,
54 totalPRs,
55 contributedTo,
56 rank,
57 } = stats;
214 const card = new Card({
227 });
235 return card.render(`
238 <svg x="0" y="0">
239 ${flexLayout({
240 items: statItems,
241 gap: lheight,
242 direction: "column",
243 }).join("")}
244 </svg>
245 `);
248module.exports = renderStatsCard;
114 : "";
115 }
117 render(body) {
118 return `
119 <svg
120 width="${this.width}"
121 height="${this.height}"
122 viewBox="0 0 ${this.width} ${this.height}"
123 fill="none"
124 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
125 >
162 <g
163 data-testid="main-card-body"
164 transform="translate(0, ${
165 this.hideTitle ? this.paddingX : this.paddingY + 20
166 })"
167 >
168 ${body}
169 </g>
170 </svg>
171 `;
172 }
175module.exports = Card;
Function entry, req and res provided by Vercel running context.
Fetching user data and formatting stats (stars, etc.).
Passing stats and other styling options to rendering function (to generate SVG).
SVG template filled with stats values sent back as response to the API end-point call.
Card class describes how to generate SVG template.
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Main modules

Let's see what we have here:

0All starts at api/index.js default function, it's called by Vercel, providing req and res parameters; essentially giving us a way to read request parameters for GET call and a res object to send back response. As you can see first thing we do, we set proper headers for the payload: res.setHeader("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml");
1Next we need to fetch some stats data, count stars, etc. The graphql end-point for Github API is used here (more details about that later).
2Once stats are received, passing them to cards/stats-card.js, as well as extra parameters how to style the widget. Card class is used to generate complete SVG markup and fill up with stats data.
3And, finally we send SVG back to the client.

Once again, how Github stats were fetched? Using graphql!

6const { request, logger, CustomError } = require("../common/utils");
10const fetcher = (variables, token) => {
11 return request(
12 {
13 query: `
14 query userInfo($login: String!) {
15 user(login: $login) {
16 name
17 login
18 contributionsCollection {
19 totalCommitContributions
20 restrictedContributionsCount
21 }
44 `,
45 variables,
46 },
47 {
48 Authorization: `bearer ${token}`,
49 },
50 );
87async function fetchStats(
88 username,
89 count_private = false,
90 include_all_commits = false,
91) {
104 let res = await retryer(fetcher, { login: username });
106 if (res.data.errors) {
107 logger.error(res.data.errors);
77 fallbackColor
78 );
81function request(data, headers) {
82 return axios({
83 url: "https://api.github.com/graphql",
84 method: "post",
85 headers,
86 data,
87 });
91 *
graphql endpoint is used to send POST requests. Alternatively one can use @octokit/rest client to simplify interactions with Github API (instead of create graphql queries you can call particular helper for the same operation). 
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by Bohdan Liashenko
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Github API

Alternatively one can use @octokit/rest client to simplify interactions with Github API (instead of create graphql queries you can call particular helper for the same operation).

Interesting finds

There are few things I've also noticed that worth to mention.

First thing is blacklisting hook. To prevent spamming (and other bad behaviour) we filter out requests by username and just return an error instead.

6 clampValue,
8} = require("../src/common/utils");
9const fetchStats = require("../src/fetchers/stats-fetcher");
10const renderStatsCard = require("../src/cards/stats-card");
11const blacklist = require("../src/common/blacklist");
12const { isLocaleAvailable } = require("../src/translations");
14module.exports = async (req, res) => {
15 const {
16 username,
41 if (blacklist.includes(username)) {
42 return res.send(renderError("Something went wrong"));
43 }
45 if (locale && !isLocaleAvailable(locale)) {
46 return res.send(renderError("Something went wrong", "Language not found"));
47 }
1const blacklist = ["renovate-bot", "technote-space", "sw-yx"];
3module.exports = blacklist;
To prevent spamming (and other bad behaviour) we filter out requests by username and just return an error instead. 
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Another one is retryer for API calls. It does exactly what you think - re-trying API calls.

84 }
87async function fetchStats(
88 username,
89 count_private = false,
90 include_all_commits = false,
91) {
104 let res = await retryer(fetcher, { login: username });
106 if (res.data.errors) {
107 logger.error(res.data.errors);
1const { logger, CustomError } = require("../common/utils");
3const retryer = async (fetcher, variables, retries = 0) => {
4 if (retries > 7) {
5 throw new CustomError("Maximum retries exceeded", CustomError.MAX_RETRY);
6 }
7 try {
8 // try to fetch with the first token since RETRIES is 0 index i'm adding +1
9 let response = await fetcher(
10 variables,
11 process.env[`PAT_${retries + 1}`],
12 retries,
13 );
15 // prettier-ignore
16 const isRateExceeded = response.data.errors && response.data.errors[0].type === "RATE_LIMITED";
18 // if rate limit is hit increase the RETRIES and recursively call the retryer
19 // with username, and current RETRIES
20 if (isRateExceeded) {
21 logger.log(`PAT_${retries + 1} Failed`);
22 retries++;
23 // directly return from the function
24 return retryer(fetcher, variables, retries);
25 }
27 // finally return the response
28 return response;
For stability of our App (API endpoint) we want to make calls, we have internally, more predictable and stable. Often network calls can fail (for different reasons) but it is not necessary means something wrong, we might just do extra attempt.
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Scheme created
by Bohdan Liashenko
with codecrumbs.io

For stability of our App (API endpoint) we want to make calls, we have internally, more predictable and stable. Often network calls can fail (for different reasons) but it is not necessary means something wrong, we might just do extra attempt.

Here it is!

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Bohdan Liashenko

Code geek. I tweet about interesting code tips and findings I am discovering under the hood of popular open source projects.

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